Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Thought Process

Does this look ok?
Do I match?
Is this too tight or too short?
Which shoes?
Which necklace?
Are these pants high-water?

For as far back as I can remember, I have been asking these questions.  While living with my mother, 15 years ago, truthful answers were easier to come by.  Now, living with my husband, I find myself reading between the lines of his answers, while watching his facial expressions and interpreting them to mean whatever I might be feeling on that particular morning.  Why is getting dressed so difficult?  Some of the clothes I own are 5 or more years old....I HAVE BEEN WEARING THEM FOR 5 YEARS, so why do I still feel the need to ask if it looks ok?  Regardless of the reason for the question, it still sometimes needs to be asked.  If you never have to ask someone how your outfit looks, then you should probably continue to read on.  This blog will assist working professionals with making better 'what to wear' decisions, along with a fun look at 'what not to wear' as well! 

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