Monday, February 14, 2011

Glamour Ask A Stylist

This is the coolest IPhone App EVER!!!  And it is completely free!

Glamour Ask A Stylist has created an App where you can send a picture of your outfit with a description of where you are going and a Glamour Stylist will tell you what they think of your outfit in that particular situation.

I submitted a picture of my friend's outfit today.  Here are the details:
My Question:
Is this appropriate for a normal business day at work? I work in an office of a manufacturing facility, I am a receptionist, my boss typically wears nice shirts and ties.

My Photo:

What do you think?
Stylist Response:
It's cute for a casual day!  Based off your judge's guide, though, I'd dress it up a little.  Try a tee with a cute pencil skirt!

The Glamour Ask A Stylist App will also let you compare 2 different outfits.

Way to go Glamour!!!!!